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Wild Medicine

May 31, 2022

Meaningful and candid conversations about health and tapping into your intuitive self; this is the Rebel Talk podcast with Dr. Michelle Peris.

Dr. Peris shares her insights on how your health habits are linked to your self-esteem. She was inspired to record this episode based on a study shared in the Confident Clinician...

May 24, 2022

Meaningful and candid conversations about health and tapping into your intuitive self; this is the Rebel Talk podcast with Dr. Michelle Peris.

Dr. Peris is joined by Kathryn Ducey who specializes in inner child healing. She is a master coach; trauma informed; and, she is supporting her community through re-parenting and...

May 17, 2022

Meaningful and candid conversations about health and tapping into your intuitive self; this is the Rebel Talk podcast with Dr. Michelle Peris.

Dr. Peris is joined by Dr. Kirstie Griffiths in today’s episode where the women discuss how Dr. Griffiths focuses on holistic heart-centered care to patients and practices the...

May 10, 2022

Meaningful and candid conversations about health and tapping into your intuitive self; this is the Rebel Talk podcast with Dr. Michelle Peris. Dr. Peris is joined by Suzi Halfpenny and Greg Rook on the podcast to discuss how to can obtain financial literacy and mastery for your business and feel empowered by money rather...

May 3, 2022

Meaningful and candid conversations about health and tapping into your intuitive self; this is the Rebel Talk podcast with Dr. Michelle Peris.

Dr. Peris is excited to discuss today’s topic of celebrating your wins whether they are big or small.  Think about the last time you accomplished a goal that you were working...