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Wild Medicine

Sep 29, 2020

In this reflective episode, Dr. Michelle shares her thoughts and ideas on what gets in the way of our evolution. 

Listen to this episode to learn more about this beautiful perspective from Dr. Michelle where she shares parts of her journey, shifting our mindsets away from victim programming, and winking at the...

Sep 22, 2020

Holly Toronto is a Certified Master- Level Coach through the Health Coach Institute and has 4 years of experience helping highly-driven women build resilience to toxic beauty and diet messages. She uses an intuitive and spiritual approach that guides her clients towards self-trust, confidence, and sovereignty over the...

Sep 15, 2020

In the 100th episode of the podcast, Dr. Michelle wants to keep it simple by discussing and breaking down how to claim your wild when it comes to your health!

Dr. Michelle is a self-proclaimed Wild Woman and she wants to share her daily habits with you in hope that it helps you along your own journey of claiming YOUR...

Sep 8, 2020

Adele Tevlin is no stranger to the Rebel Talk Podcast. She is the CEO and founder of the CEO Blueprint- a transformational leadership development company for C suite executives and business owners. She serves everyone and anyone in this community. 

In the past 20 years, Adele has specialized in helping leaders in North...

Sep 1, 2020

In this throwback episode, Dr. Michelle interviews Kim Marshall! Kim is a mom of kindergarteners and is the creator of the online group Starting School with Roots and Wings, her online community that has grown immensely in the last 2 years. Her group accompanies families in this huge transition period when the intention...